Conozca a nuestro Director

Desde tu primera visita, reconocerás que hay algo especial en Jersey College Prep, con su acertada mezcla de valores tradicionales y nuevas ideas, y su ambiente maravillosamente cálido y acogedor.   

En JCP creemos firmemente que los niños felices e inspirados tienen éxito. Nuestro amplio plan de estudios, la excepcional atención pastoral y el ambiente enriquecedor garantizan que nuestros niños sean felices y estén inspirados y que cada uno desarrolle sus fortalezas individuales.   

For all at Jersey College Prep, academic success and good character are integral goals and in their attainment our children benefit from small classes, superb facilities and talented teachers. We are proud of the fact that through our One College structure our children gain automatic entry to Jersey College for Girls as well as other high achieving secondary schools if that is their preferred choice, and proud to say that their success thereafter is in no small part attributable to their fine start.   

The children here take part in a wide variety of co-curricular activities and they each get the opportunity to participate in an array of sports, helping them to learn the importance of teamwork, build resilience, and win and lose graciously. Throughout their time at the school, children are encouraged to try new experiences and take risks, which help build their self-confidence, ignite passions and make lifelong friends.   

By the time our children move on to their senior school they are assured, motivated young people, well prepared to thrive and deal with the excitements and challenges that lie ahead.   

I encourage you to come and visit us in our modern, well resourced environment so that you can see for yourself what makes JCP such an outstanding school.  

Catherine Precious